This is the Index for 2009

Digitizing Audio

28 November 2009



Geeking Out

23 November 2009

I read Neal Stephenson’s Anathem about a year ago. It must have been the time of year or something, but I’ve been thinking about it recently. To avoid simply re-reading it I’ve been finding some of the interviews with Neal Stephenson floating around the Intertubes. I don’t know if Mr. Stephenson has done more interviews &c. surrounding this book – but there were a lot to be found. One was a video of a question and answer session he did at Google.



23 November 2009

I think you ought to know that I’m feeling very depressed. I’ve felt this coming on for a week or two. I thought that I was fed up or bored with work. But today I was looking at what I have to do and it’s not so boring. There’s enough to do and it’s fairly interesting problems that I’m expected to solve.


Riding a Bike

28 October 2009

I don’t remember if it was Christmas or a birthday when I was given a bicycle by my folks. It was a Huffy. It was yellow and blue. The tires were blue. They’d make a blue skid-mark if I locked up the brakes on the sidewalk. It had training wheels.


Getting Lost at the Mall

28 October 2009

I don’t know how old I was. I was at the mall with my mother. I imagine she was trying something on in a store, but I don’t really remember. At some point I wandered off and got lost.
