No Phone

Friday, 24 March, 2017

Yesterday I was having routine maintenance done on my car. My lovely wife dropped me off to pick up the car and, as she drove off to get the kids from school, I realized I had left my phone in her cup-holder.

I went in and convivially complained to the service managers. They quickly offered to let me use their desk phones to call my wife. I declined; she didn’t have time to turn around and get my precious back to me.

I said that I’d be fine without my phone for a little while.

“Remember the olden days when we couldn’t simply call each other all the time?” I asked.

The two service managers looked at each other and then at me, and then together they replied, “no.”1,2

  1. I was, however, unable to get a Waze estimate of my travel time, though. 

  2. I was fine, by the way. I was able to use the WiFi in the dealership’s waiting area to download the Death’s End audiobook to my iPad and I listened to that on the way home.